“Therefore He says: “Awake, you who sleep, Arise from the dead, And Christ will give you light.”” Ephesians 5:14
There’s a phenomenon known as sleepwalking, when a person is asleep but goes through the motions of performing an activity. Similarly it’s possible for us to be asleep in the spirit, going through motions but not making tangible progress. Oftentimes it’s lack of spiritual awakening that leads to us not attaining the fullness of all God has for us. What does awakening mean?
*The act of awaking from sleep
*A revival of interest or attention
*A recognition, realization, or coming into awareness of something
The Lord recognises the importance of an awakened spirit this season in enabling us to can fully partake in all He has already prepared for us. Join us this series to partner with the Holy Spirit as He guides us into a spiritual awakening that will transform our lives and destinies. Click here to download the series.