4 Stages of Spiritual Growth

‘No prolonged infancies among us, please… God wants us to grow up…’ Ephesians 4:14-15 (MSG)

When we accept Jesus as saviour, we start the journey of growing up in Him so we can look more and more like Him. This means that from God’s perspective, a believer’s maturity is not hinged on how long ago the person accepted Jesus as saviour, but how much that person looks like Jesus – not in the physical sense, but in character, desires, ambitions, fulfilment of purpose among others. 

As with growing in the natural, growing up spiritually is a lifelong journey and this journey can be broken into 4 main stages. Our prayer is that as we explore these stages, we recognize where we are and by the help of the Holy Spirit, partner with Him to grow up into Christ. Click here to download the study.