“Who is this that darkens counsel [questioning my authority and wisdom] By words without knowledge? Job 38:2
[You said to me] ‘Who is this that darkens and obscures counsel [by words] without knowledge?’ Therefore [I now see] I have [rashly] uttered that which I did not understand, Things too wonderful for me, which I did not know. Job 42:3
The Book of Job is a very interesting conversation between Job, his friends and God. But one of the things that a close look at this book shows us isn’t necessarily about the trials of Job alone, but also the power behind words. And this is a running theme throughout the Bible.
Yes, what you say matters. However, when you have an understanding of the power behind your words, then what you say can go from being causal and empty to powerful and prophetic.
In this study we will explore some scriptures that will equip us to navigate the use of our words with understanding. Our prayer is that the Lord will open up our understanding, so we know not just what to say, but also the best time to do so. Click HERE to download the study