Becoming A Partner Kingdom Partner

‘…He will enjoy a long life, and the Lord’s good plan will prosper in his hands.’ Isaiah 53:10

We know God has the capacity to masterfully orchestrate His plan. We also know that people are key to the fulfillment of His plans, so He is always looking for people to partner with Him to execute His agenda. While it is often said that God just needs people that are available, availability is just the starting point.

This means that those who may desire to be key partners in expanding the frontiers of God’s kingdom are signifying that they can be entrusted with more responsibility. Knowing that God is extremely intentional about seeing His agenda through, then it stands to reason that there will be additional things He will look for in selecting those He can work with/through.

This series we are looking at 5 key areas the Bible has shown us that the Lord pays attention to in entrusting people with more. We pray that as we go through this series the Holy Spirit will open our eyes and hearts and prepare us to have the privilege of being those the Lord can consistently point to as those that can be entrusted to prosper His plans. Click Here to download the series.
