Matters of Heart (Living As God Intends)

‘But the Lord said to Samuel, “Don’t judge by his appearance or height, for I have rejected him. The Lord doesn’t see things the way you see them. People judge by outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.”’ 1 Samuel 16:7

When the Lord told Samuel that people judge by outward appearance, but He looks at the heart, it was at the point when Samuel thought Eliab (David’s eldest brother) was the Lord’s anointed based on his physical appearance. However, God’s criteria was very different to the extent that the Lord told Samuel Eliab was actually rejected. Which means the criteria God used to assess who would be king was very different from what Samuel had in mind.

Similarly, there is a perspective the Lord may have on different aspects of our lives which differs from what we think He is looking for.

This series we delve into how the Lord views aspects of our lives (relationships, leadership and others) based on our heart disposition.  We pray that the Holy Spirit guides us through this study and reveals God’s heart on the matters of life to us. Click HERE to download the study.

Becoming Kingdom Treasurers

“Don’t keep hoarding for yourselves earthly treasures that can be stolen by thieves. Material wealth eventually rusts, decays, and loses its value. Instead, stockpile heavenly treasures for yourselves that cannot be stolen and will never rust, decay, or lose their value. For your heart will always pursue what you esteem as your treasure.” Matthew 6:19-21

“Wealth and honor come from you alone, for you rule over everything. Power and might are in your hand, and at your discretion people are made great and given strength… Everything we have has come from you, and we give you only what you first gave us!” 1 Chronicles 29:12, 14 NLT

The dictionary defines as Treasurer as: a person appointed to administer or manage the financial assets and liabilities of a society, company, local authority, or other body. The main duties of a treasurer are to oversee the financial administration of the organisation, review procedures and financial reporting, advise the board on financial strategy, and advise on fundraising.

In the context of God’s kingdom, a kingdom treasurer is one who administers his/her finances with the mentality that God owns it all and that we are just stewards of what He gives us. As such there are principles for effective stewardship that we must understand which we will delve into this series. Our prayer is that the Holy Spirit will guide us as we learn and put these principles into practice, so we become effective and trusted treasurers for the kingdom of God. Click Here to download the study.

Shining in Darkness

‘Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven.’ Matthew 5:16

We are called to be light. So when the world around us seems to be dark, confused and corrupt, it’s not a time for believers to hide away or join the voices complaining about what is going on. Rather the darkness around us should act as a backdrop for us to shine by bringing light, wisdom, righteousness and much more to the end that the Lord is glorified.

The Bible tells us that there is nothing new under the sun, which means there will be others who have experienced darkness, yet their light shone brightly and we can learn from them. This series we are looking at some examples of such people who used the darkness around them as a platform to shine and trust that the Holy Spirit will lead us so that we also gain understanding of how the Lord wants each of us specifically to shine based on our circumstances and assignment. Click Here to download the series.

The Prayer Life of Jesus

‘Once Jesus was in a certain place praying. As he finished, one of his disciples came to him and said, “Lord, teach us to pray, just as John taught his disciples.”’ Luke 11:1

During His earthly ministry Jesus lived a life of prayer, to the extent that His disciples had to ask Him to teach them to pray. This means they must have seen how prayer transformed Jesus and His ministry as a whole. Because of prayer Jesus healed all who came to Him, He was filled with wisdom, he was always at the right place at the right time, He fulfilled all He was meant to do.

We know that Jesus is our template so when it comes to an area as critical as prayer it will help us to understand a few things about what Jesus prayed about, how he prayed, when he prayed and much more.

We trust the Holy Spirit to guide and transform us through this series as we deep dive into Jesus’ prayer life. Click Here to download the study

Thriving in Adversity

‘Build houses and dwell in them; plant gardens and eat their fruit. Take wives and beget sons and daughters; and take wives for your sons and give your daughters to husbands, so that they may bear sons and daughters—that you may be increased there, and not diminished. And seek the peace of the city where I have caused you to be carried away captive, and pray to the Lord for it; for in its peace you will have peace.’ Jeremiah 29:5-7

After King Nebuchadnezzar invaded Jerusalem the Israelites found themselves in exile as they were taken as captives to Babylon. It seemed inconceivable to them that the Lord wouldn’t get them out of that situation as soon as possible so they could go back home. But God said something interesting to the Israelites in exile through prophet Jeremiah which must have seemed shocking to them. According to the word of the Lord Israel would be in Babylon for a good number of years. As if that was not enough, while there they were to focus on building their lives in Babylon rather than going back to Jerusalem.

There are situations we go through in life that may cause us to question if God is really with us. The external circumstances may seem so contrary to our expectations that our constant prayer is for God to either change the circumstance or get us out of that situation as quickly as possible. However, as we mature in God we see that there are times when He doesn’t change things around us, rather His objective is for us to change within those circumstances.

This series as we look at how to thrive in adverse circumstances, we pray that the Holy Spirit will guide our thoughts and actions so we see adversity from the right perspective and respond accurately. Click HERE to download the study.

Finishing The Assignment

‘O Lord my God, you have performed many wonders for us. Your plans for us are too numerous to list… Then I said, “Look, I have come. As is written about me in the Scriptures: I take joy in doing your will, my God, for your instructions are written on my heart.”’ Psalms 40:5,7-8

When Jesus had tasted it, he said, “It is finished!” Then he bowed his head and gave up his spirit. John 19:30

Jesus was fully aware of His earthly assignment and knew exactly what He was supposed to do at each stage of His life. Not only did He know what to do, He was very intentional about accomplishing this assignment and because He succeeded, He was able to say at the end: it is finished.

The same way Jesus had an earthly assignment, so do we. No one is here ‘just because’, there’s a God-given assignment attached to our lives. The question is do we know what this assignment is and how to go about completing it? Otherwise, we could easily live many years without actually doing what we were designed by God to do.

This series we are looking at our assignments, recognizing what it is, what it takes to do it, and finishing well. Our prayer is that the Holy Spirit will guide us through this series and speak to us specifically, so we are enlightened and empowered to complete our assignments successfully. Click Here to download the study.

Slaying Goliath (Lessons from David)

“Then Goliath, a Philistine champion from Gath, came out of the Philistine ranks to face the forces of Israel. He was over nine feet tall! I defy the armies of Israel today! Send me a man who will fight me!” …When Saul and the Israelites heard this, they were terrified and deeply shaken.”
1 Samuel 17:4, 10-11

1 Samuel 17 includes the well-known narration of Israel’s battle with the Philistines and specifically David’s victory over the Philistine champion Goliath who was over 9 feet tall and a formidable opponent being a seasoned warrior. He terrorized Israel for 40 days nonstop, instilling fear which paralyzed an entire army until David came to the camp and defeated him.

Today we may not have to fight physical battles, but there are giants in our lives we need to slay. These giants like Goliath may seem unconquerable, but we will learn from David’s story how Goliath can be defeated. Click HERE to download the study

Securing Our Boundaries

‘A person without self-control is like a city with broken-down walls.’ Proverbs 25:28

In biblical times cities had boundaries such as walls and gates which protected the cities from enemy penetration and kept its residents safe. These boundaries typically had men stationed around them, especially at the city gates as they monitored who came into and left the city and restricted or permitted access accordingly. In those days a city without vigilant men manning the boundaries and ensuring the walls and gates were secure would have been quite porous and open to easy attack by those seeking to take undue advantage.

It’s therefore interesting that in Proverbs a person without self-control is likened to a city with broken down walls.

In applying this to our lives, how do we ensure we are effectively manning our boundaries? What strategies can we employ to secure all aspects of our lives so we don’t leave any areas open to attacks and manipulations? As we go through this series, we pray the Holy Spirit will equip us with the skills and strategies required to take charge of our boundaries so we walk in constant victory. Click Here to download the study.

Navigating Transitions

‘To everything there is a season, a time for every purpose under heaven’ Ecclesiastes 3:1

Life is not meant to be lived according to natural calendars such as January to December, but rather according to our seasons of life. And seasons are not static, they are dynamic and once it’s time is up, a new season begins. If we’re not conscious of this, we could lock ourselves into a cycle that’s outside of God’s agenda.

Since life is lived in seasons, this means we’re constantly transitioning from one season to another. The transition phase may be different depending on the season, but we’re never meant to be stuck permanently in a particular stage, rather we’re to move from glory to glory.

To navigate transitions effectively, we must understand when one phase is ending and another is starting, how to enter the next phase, how to stabilize in a phase and how to ensure we’re constantly flowing with the Holy Spirit and ensuring that our best days should never be behind us. Click Here to download the study.

Understanding Fire

Fire is often spoken of in the context of caution because of its capacity to burn and destroy. However, fire does many other things for us in the natural that aren’t destructive. It’s a source of illumination in darkness, warmth in the cold, a necessity for preparing cooked food and sterilizing items for health purposes and so much more.

Likewise in the spiritual realm, fire isn’t only about destruction and punishment. It purges, purifies, cleanses, reveals our works, equips and keeps us connected to the Lord and so much more.

This study we’re exploring different types of spiritual fire and we pray that the Holy Spirit will give us revelation and understanding about the type of fire we need to have or are currently experiencing in our lives. Click Here to download the study.