God’s Lifting Process

‘He has lifted up a horn for His people [giving them strength, prosperity, dignity, and preeminence], Praise for all His godly ones; For the people of Israel, a people near to Him. Praise the Lord ! (Hallelujah!)’ Psalms 148:14

‘For exaltation comes neither from the east nor from the west nor from the south. But God is the Judge: He puts down one, and exalts another.’ Psalms 75:6-7

We know God lifts men and there are several illustrations in the Bible to this effect, and sometimes the outcome may be spectacular. However, many times the outcome we see is a consequence of the processes He employed to get to that outcome. This means it will help us to gain some insight into How God lifts men so we can identify when He is in operation and cooperate with Him.

This series as we look at different ways God lifts people we pray the Holy Spirit will give us wisdom and understanding so we can live in the fullness Jesus paid for. Click Here to download the series.

Gaining Access to All God has for You

Access as defined by the dictionary is the means or opportunity to approach or enter a place. This means that the implication of not having access to a desired location is that we will not be able to avail ourselves of all that location offers, even if we can see it and have a legal right to whatever the place offers.

A location can be entered through several means, some of which include doors, gates and keys which all give us a level of access, but in different ways. For instance, a person may have the key to a building, but if the gate to that building is bolted shut, that person still will not be able to gain access to the building.

As we go through the Bible we see several references to ways in which we can gain access to desired places. This series we are looking at the tools of access, understanding how they function and how we can use them so we can have the full experience of all God has for us. May the Holy Spirit grant us wisdom and understanding of the tools He has made available to us. Click here to download the study.

Delighting God

‘“For My thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways My ways,” says the Lord . “For as the heavens are higher than the earth, So are My ways higher than your ways, And My thoughts than your thoughts.’ Isaiah 55:8-9

When we love someone, one of the things we try and understand is their likes and dislikes: what does it take to bring joy to that person and what puts the person off. As we find these things out, we then put in effort to do them, because genuinely want to be part of their lives and want to have a good relationship with them. Interestingly when it comes to God, we tend to think of Him in terns of what we would like and how we function. However, he has made it very clear that His ways are very different from our ways.

If God’s ways are different, then the question we would ask ourselves is: what does it take to please God? Otherwise, we run the risk of offending Him, and not even knowing that’s what we are doing, or spending a lot of energy on things that He doesn’t count as important. The good thing is as we spend time in His word, we receive clarity on the answer to this and so much more. This series, we are digging into the Word of God to understand what it takes to delight God and we pray the Holy Spirit will grant us clarity as we embark on this journey. Click Here to download the study.

Engaging the Courtroom of Heaven

“If only I knew where to find God, I would go to his court. I would lay out my case and present my arguments. Then I would listen to his reply and understand what he says to me.” Job 23:3-5 NLT

God is a God of truth, justice and righteousness and one of the ways believers access His justice system is in the courtroom of heaven through the avenues of prayer and His word. The same way lawyers need to understand how to function in the legal system of their jurisdiction is the same way believers need to understand how to function in heaven’s courtroom.

As believers we play the role of a lawyer in presenting matters to God. However, many times what we present to God is a slew of complaints rather than a well laid out case before the Judge of all. To present successfully, lawyers must understand among other things who the main parties in a case are and their rights, the precedents and obligations of court and how to get victory over the plaintiff/accuser.

This series we’re looking at the system of heaven’s courtroom and how to navigate it successfully. We pray the Holy Spirit will use this series to open our eyes to the power and efficacy of prayer and God’s word in gaining victory in life. Click here to download the series.

Starting A New Season

‘To everything there is a season, a time for every purpose under heaven:’ Ecclesiastes 3:1

God deals with us in seasons, and He has allocated seasons to the various assignments we will have throughout our life’s journey. Different seasons open us up to new levels in various areas of our lives, with one season feeding into another. This means that when a new season comes up, it automatically means an old season is about to end.

There are four critical things we need to note about new seasons. One is that God doesn’t follow a January to December calendar, so we need to be spiritually sensitive to when a new season is about to start. Two is that the enemy always knows when we should be stepping into a new season even if we don’t, and he will use that knowledge to hinder us if we don’t discern him at work. Three is that every new season has specific requirements for us to successfully complete it and transit to a new season. Four is that God makes specific enablement available to us to maximize the season, but we must identify this enablement in order to take full advantage and complete the season successfully.

This series we are looking at the how to start a new season, partnering with the Holy Spirit in the place of prayer. Our prayer is that as we engage with this series, the Holy Spirit will open our eyes to the seasons of our life and guide us along the best pathway. Click Here to download the study.

Spiritual Garments

God didn’t design His children to be disadvantaged in away and as such He provided different types of spiritual equipment – which the Bible often refers to as garments – which are made available for us to excel in our lives and assignments while here on earth. One thing that is common across all the garments is that they are enabled by the Holy Spirit to equip us to function effectively as representatives of God’s kingdom here on earth.

This series we are looking at 7 types of spiritual garments available to believers. This list is by no means exhaustive and our prayer is that this series ignites a curiosity in us to identify other garments available to us so we are well rounded and fully equipped to live victoriously.

Click Here to download the study.

Lessons from the Life of Samson

“For behold, you shall conceive and bear a son. And no razor shall come upon his head, for the child shall be a Nazirite to God from the womb; and he shall begin to deliver Israel out of the hand of the Philistines.” Judges 13:5
Samson was a unique child of promise, ordained as a Nazarite from the womb, destined to be a deliverer for Israel. But despite the great destiny Samson had ahead of him, he didn’t fulfil all he could have for a number of reasons that ultimately cost him heavily.

This series we are studying the life of Samson and pulling out lessons we can learn from his journey. Our prayer is that we go through this study with an open heart and recognize where we may be functioning so we can ask the Holy Spirit to continue to strengthen us and help us course correct based on our alignment with God’s agenda for our lives. Click here to download the study.

4 Stages of Spiritual Growth

‘No prolonged infancies among us, please… God wants us to grow up…’ Ephesians 4:14-15 (MSG)

When we accept Jesus as saviour, we start the journey of growing up in Him so we can look more and more like Him. This means that from God’s perspective, a believer’s maturity is not hinged on how long ago the person accepted Jesus as saviour, but how much that person looks like Jesus – not in the physical sense, but in character, desires, ambitions, fulfilment of purpose among others. 

As with growing in the natural, growing up spiritually is a lifelong journey and this journey can be broken into 4 main stages. Our prayer is that as we explore these stages, we recognize where we are and by the help of the Holy Spirit, partner with Him to grow up into Christ. Click here to download the study.

Growing in Spiritual Intelligence

‘But solid food is for the mature, whose spiritual senses perceive heavenly matters. And they have been adequately trained by what they’ve experienced to emerge with understanding of the difference between what is truly excellent and what is evil and harmful.’ Hebrews 5:14 (TPT)

God did not design His children to be disadvantaged in life, which is why He made resources available to us to enable us to live victoriously and fulfill our destiny. But for us to maximize these resources, a measure of intelligence is required.

The dictionary defines intelligence as the ability to acquire and apply knowledge and skills. Intelligence is not limited to the natural realm alone, there is also spiritual intelligence that can and should be acquired by all believers. This series we are looking at 5 forms of spiritual intelligence we need to apply to life to live as God intended. Click here to download the study.

Positioning for Open Heavens

‘The Lord will open to you His good treasure, the heavens, to give the rain to your land in its season, and to bless all the work of your hand…’ Deuteronomy 28:12

The Lord longs to bless His children and open His good treasure to us, He is eager to perfect and establish everything concerning us. As eager and generous as God is, it is possible for us to miss a season of open heavens if we do not maintain the right posture.

Why is our posture important? First is that anytime God wants to do something in our lives the enemy comes to try and frustrate that plan. Second is that if we are casual about spiritual things, we may miss critical signals and lose the benefits the season would have made available to us. Finally, we need understanding of what God’s intent is for the season – where is He taking us and how do we align with Him on the journey?

This series we are looking at 5 critical areas that impact our posture and positioning for accessing open heavens. Click on the link to download the study.