When God’s Answer is Wait

“Wait for the Lord; be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord.” Psalms 27:14

When God answers prayer it’s either yes, no or not right now and “not right now” means we will have to wait. Have you ever had to wait for something whether it’s a job, a promotion, child, marriage, or something else that was really important to you? If you have then you’ll know that the major challenge with waiting is not knowing when the wait will end. Discouragement and sometimes offence can set in if we don’t know the reason for the wait, especially if we see others getting what we’re waiting on God for. Because God is very intentional about us and wants nothing but the best for us, that gives us an assurance that there must be a very tangible reason He’s having us wait.

This series we are looking at the lives of people in the Bible who have had to wait for different things over varying stretches of time. Why did God have them wait? What was their waiting posture? What questions did they ask God and what did they do while waiting? We trust God that as we learn from their examples, we can identify our situations in their lives and how best to respond to and maximize our waiting seasons.
Click here to download the study.

The Bible: God’s Love Letter

‘But anyone who does not love does not know God, for God is love.’ 1 John 4:8

God is love, it’s His nature. And because it’s His nature He’s always expressing His love for us in different ways, especially through the Bible. Beyond being a book about prophecies and principles, the Bible acts as a place where we can learn about and experience God’s love in the past, present and future. And the beauty of the Bible is that because the words are spirit and life, it is ever relevant to every aspect of our lives even today.

From Genesis to Revelation the Bible demonstrates God’s love for His children, and all mankind. When we look at the Bible from this perspective, then it stops being just a history or legal document, but also a love letter from God to us.

As we go through this series, we pray that we will receive a revelation of the incredible heights and depths of God’s love for us and that we also grow in our love for Him. Click HERE to download the series.

Hearing God’s Voice

“Long ago God spoke many times and in many ways to our ancestors through the prophets. And now in these final days, he has spoken to us through his Son. God promised everything to the Son as an inheritance, and through the Son he created the universe.” Hebrews 1:1-2 NLT

God is always speaking. He is very vocal and loves to communicate with us, but oftentimes we cannot hear Him. Not because He isn’t speaking to us, but because we haven’t discerned How He speaks to us specifically. His pattern of speaking to person A may differ from that of person B. but He is always communicating with us.

The Bible tells us that God speaks in many ways, and we know that whatever He says is always for good. His words guide, guard, correct, transform, shape us and align us to His agenda for our lives. Therefore, it’s critical that we learn to hear Him. This series we are looking at some of the ways God speaks and we pray that this will help us discern how God speaks to us and encourage us to dig into deeper conversations with Him. Click here to download the study.

The Women of Hebrews 11 – Living a Life of Faith

“Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. By faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that the things which are seen were not made of things which are visible.” Hebrews 11:1, 3

Hebrews 11 is often called the “Faith Hall of Fame” as it lists certain individuals in the Bible whose demonstrations of faith caused major shifts in their lives and in some cases in nations.

This series we are looking at the lives of key women in Hebrews 11, their diverse journeys and postures of faith and what we can learn from them. We pray as we go through this series the Holy Spirit will minister to you specifically and reveal new dimensions of Himself so you can believe Him for more.

Get ready to have your faith level increase! Click Here to download the study.

Maximizing the Power of Time

‘To everything there is a season, A time for every purpose under heaven’ Ecclesiastes 3:1

For many of us, our use of time is something we downplay to our disadvantage. God is very particular about time because He has locked up destinies and purpose in time and seasons. This means that there is a fixed time given for every purpose of God that’s to be carried out here on earth, whether we realize it or not. Armed with this insight, we see that God created time to be used to our advantage. However, when we don’t realize the strategic importance of time, we will misuse it and then start playing catch-up on things we should have walked in to gracefully.

This series we are looking at 7 ways to make time a strategic ally on our journey of fulfilling purpose.

We pray as we go through this series the Holy Spirit will minister to you specifically and show you the strategies you need to utilize for yourself. Click Here to download the study.

8 Pillars of Growth

‘And Jesus increased in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and men.’ Luke 2:52

One of the most encouraging things about the life of Jesus is the fact that during His earthly ministry He consistently grew in critical areas that directly impacted His effectiveness in fulfilling His assignment. As Jesus provides a perfect example for us to follow, this means we also have the opportunity to continuously grow

This series we are looking at 8 pillars of growth that we should target as they will significantly equip us to succeed in all aspects of life.

We pray the Holy Spirit will bring understanding as we dig into the topic and show us how to apply these to our daily lives. Click HERE to download the study.

When It’s Time to STRETCH

‘Enlarge the place of your tent, and let them stretch out the curtains of your dwellings; Do not spare; Lengthen your cords, And strengthen your stakes. For you shall expand to the right and to the left, And your descendants will inherit the nations, And make the desolate cities inhabited.’ Isaiah 54:2-3

Oftentimes when we’re seeking growth or a breakthrough in an area, we don’t place sufficient emphasis on the process that God will take us through that will give us the capacity to attain and retain what God wants to give us. With growth and expansion always comes a stretching, therefore it is a continuous process we will always experience as we go from strength to strength.

If we do not understand what a stretch looks like and its purpose, we may end up frustrating the process of manifesting the very thing we are looking for. This series we’re looking at how to identify and maximize the season of a stretch and align with God’s agenda for our lives.

We pray the Holy Spirit will bring illumination and alignment as we learn how to cooperate with Him in the season of a stretch. Click Here to download the study.

Spirit, Soul & Body – Which is in Charge?

‘Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows. Whoever sows to please their flesh, from the flesh will reap destruction; whoever sows to please the Spirit, from the Spirit will reap eternal life.’ Galatians 6:7-8

The Bible identifies three areas we can sow into: the spirit, soul or body (soul and body are what is referred to as ‘flesh’). Whatever we sow, will definitely yield some form of harvest, and the type of harvest that will be reaped depends on which area has been watered/nurtured the most.

This series we are looking at the implications of sowing into these areas and the best way to recognize where we are really sowing into as it’s not always as obvious as we may think.

We pray the Holy Spirit will use this series to open our eyes to live wisely and reap the ideal harvest on both sides of eternity. Click Here to download the study.

Prophetic Positioning

‘…Yet who knows whether you have come to the kingdom for such a time as this?’ Esther 4:14

Everyone on this side of eternity was created with a purpose to accomplish, yet many of us don’t ever get to achieve the fullness of the life we’re to live, people to impact and territories to take. More often than not, this is largely because we do not have an accurate understanding of three critical areas.

Interestingly these 3 areas also form part of the simple, yet key questions medical personnel often ask patients who appear disoriented which cover three main areas – identity, understanding of the current location and sense of timing.

In this brief study we will explore how our understanding and assessment of these areas can be applied in helping us understand our prophetic positioning and how we respond to the times and seasons. Click Here to download the study

Agents of Encounter

‘Then Samuel took a flask of oil and poured it on his head, and kissed him and said: “ Is it not because the Lord has anointed you commander over His inheritance?”’ I Samuel 10:1

When God wants to do something in the life of a person, He works through people. Even if He speaks directly to us and we receive anointing for an assignment, there are people we need to have in our lives to help us actualize what God has said. These people are the agents God will use to bring the instruction, prophecy etc to pass. It is important we are able to identify them as some may already be in our lives and others we will need to pray into our lives.

This series we are looking at 4 critical agents of encounter that God will use in equipping us. So as we partner with the Holy Spirit to birth who He has designed us to be and what He desires for us to do this season, our payer is that this series will enable us pray accurately and sharpen our spiritual antennas so we recognise them. Click Here to download the study.