Unlocking the Future

‘By faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that the things which are seen were not made of things which are visible.’ Hebrews 11:3

As we fast round up this year and start planning for the new year, the best way to determine what the future will hold is to intentionally create it. We understand that everything that is seen is first formed in the realm of the unseen. So in order to unlock the future we want to see, we have to speak God’s word concerning that area. The word of God is spirit and life (John 6:63) and it has creative properties, which means God’s word has the capacity to act as a vehicle of transportation in the spirit. 

This series we are going to take practical steps to create the coming year using the power we have in God’s word. We will be digging into how the spiritual realm responds to words, what things may impede the manifestation of what we’re speaking and then crafting the coming year. Click HERE to download the study

The Prodigal Son

‘To illustrate the point further, Jesus told them this story: “A man had two sons. The younger son told his father, ‘I want my share of your estate now before you die.’ So his father agreed to divide his wealth between his sons.’ Luke 15:11-12

This series we are taking a deeper dive into a popular parable, often called the prodigal son. This was one of three parables Jesus shared after the Pharisees and teachers of religious law had questioned why He seemed to always be with what they called ‘sinners’. Jesus shared this with the intention to demonstrate how man can veer away from God’s desired plan and the lengths our Father in heaven will go to redeem His children.

What was in the heart of the sons? Why did the father respond the way he did? How can we relate to this in today’s living? Click Here to download the series.

Handling People Pressures

‘Then Jesus said, “Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest.’ Matthew 11:28

We all face different types of pressures daily, especially from people who require one thing or another from us. Sometimes we may feel like we’re being bombarded and overwhelmed in trying to address these pressures in addition to other things we’re balancing.

But God’s plan for us isn’t for us to live a harassed life and Jesus gives us a template for how we can handle such. Jesus dealt with multitudes during His earthly ministry as throngs of people bombarded him daily looking for one thing or another. Yet in spite of the magnitude of what He had to deal with, Jesus was never hurried or stressed out.

How did he cope with the pressures? What was his attitude towards the crowds and their demands? How do we learn from him in dealing with the different multitudes of pressures and challenges in our own lives? We will look at these and more this series and we pray this study blesses you, positively impacts every aspect of your life and stirs up a hunger for God in you. Click HERE to download the study

Daniel: A Man of Influence

‘…but the people who know their God shall be strong, and carry out great exploits.’ Daniel 11:32

Daniel’s life was quite interesting for several reasons. He arrived in Babylon as a young slave boy and yet rose to the highest levels of leadership in the city. Daniel was a highly sought-after government official who never preached a single message, yet each king he worked with acknowledged the sovereignty of God because of their encounters with him.

Daniel had a full-time demanding career and excelled in the marketplace, yet he still had a thriving relationship with God. He faced life threatening persecution and yet stood steadfast in his walk with God.

There are definitely many lessons for us to learn from him as Daniel lived a life that influenced the destinies of men and of nations, both within his lifetime and beyond.

This 20-day study looks at the Book of Daniel from the perspective of the strategies he employed to excel both in his long spanning career and spiritual journey and how to apply those strategies to have a life of lasting impact.

Our prayer is that this study blesses you and positively impacts every aspect of your life. Click HERE to download the study.

Exploring Spiritual Laws

‘All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work.’ II Timothy 3:16-17

The Bible can be studied in the context of being the believer’s constitution and as with any constitution there are several laws in place to guide the effective running of the territory. The thing about laws is that they are universally applicable and have the same consequences either for following or breaking them. For example, the law of gravity is universal regardless of race, nationality or creed. If a baby drops an item in China it will automatically fall to the ground, likewise if an adult does the same in Liberia.

This is the same thing with the laws we have in the Bible, they are applicable to all mankind and the outcome of being consistent in following or breaking a spiritual law is almost always predictable. Almost always because there are times a superior law can be applied to counter an existing law. For example, the law of aerodynamics is superior to the law of gravity in keeping things in the air rather than have them automatically drop to the ground.

Are there spiritual laws we are breaking that are keeping us bound? If we reflect on our lives has it been relatively predictable or haphazard and inconsistent? Do we know what laws to apply per time and per situation or are we mixing things up?

This series we are looking at some of the laws in the Bible and how following or breaking them can significantly alter the trajectory of our destiny. Click Here to download the study.

Understanding the Watches of the Day

‘Arise, cry out in the night, at the beginning of the watches…’ Lamentations 2:19

We typically measure a day as a period of 24hours, but in studying the Bible we will notice that there are often references to ‘watches’ when it comes to identifying periods of time in a day. Specifically, we see references to the first, second, third and fourth watches of the day and night.

This series we are digging a bit deeper as we look at the 8 watches of the day and their significance.

We pray that the Holy Spirit will open our eyes and grant us understanding and the ability to implement what we learn during this study. Click Here to download the series.

Becoming A Spiritual Heavyweight

‘Tekel means ‘weighed’—you have been weighed on the balances and have not measured up.’ Daniel 5:27

We are all constantly being weighed either in the physical or spiritual. While it’s obvious when someone is a physical heavyweight, it’s not necessarily the case with spiritual weight as God’s measuring system is very different from ours – also the key metrics may not be what we think they are.

I am sure we must have wondered at some point: why is it that some people will fast and pray extensively to achieve the same result as someone who just makes a declaration? This tells us that we don’t all carry the same weight and that the weight we carry has a direct correlation to our level of spiritual influence and power

This series we are looking at how we can increase our ‘weight’ in the spirit. Our prayer is that the Lord will use this series to open our eyes to what He values and help us align our lives accordingly. Click HERE to download the study.

Lessons From the Life of Joseph

‘And the patriarchs, becoming envious, sold Joseph into Egypt. But God was with him…’ Acts 7:9

Oftentimes when we think of Joseph, what comes to mind is the multi-coloured coat his father Jacob gave him, and the envy Joseph’s brothers had for him because of the dreams he had. Yet there is a lot more to his character and the intricacies of his life journey and walk with God which we can apply to our lives today.

In spite of the various challenges Joseph faced the Lord was with him, guiding and developing him throughout. Yes, Joseph’s character was tested from when he had the dreams to when he became a leader in Egypt, but God used those challenges to build Joseph into a man that could be trusted with the destiny of nations.

For many of us who have a desire for God to use us, let’s look at Joseph’s life and some of the principles we can apply as we see how God used circumstances to shape him into a leader that would have not just local but international relevance and impact. Click here to download the study.

Making the Enemy Flee

Let God arise, let His enemies be scattered: let them also that hate Him flee before Him. Psalm 68:1

We have the guarantee of victory because of the price Jesus paid for us on the cross. However, the Bible tells us that the Lord trains our hands for war and our fingers for battle (Psalm 144:1) so there are strategies we need to employ for defeating the enemy effectively leaving no choice but to flee from us.

This series we will look at some of these strategies that will enable us to live out our mandate of being more than conquerors. Click HERE to download the study.

The Power of Consecration in the Marketplace

‘Don’t you realize that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, who lives in you and was given to you by God? You do not belong to yourself’ 1 Corinthians 6:19 NLT

‘Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need.’ Matthew 6:33 NLT

Consecration is defined as the action of making or declaring something sacred. As temples of the Holy Spirit, we are to live a consecrated life – meaning every aspect of our lives is dedicated to God in holiness. While there are general instructions for consecration in the Bible (a lifestyle of holiness, purity etc) there may also be specific instructions the Holy Spirit will give us as individuals which may be for a season or a lifetime.

Consecration is essentially being set apart for a noble purpose, for the Lord’s use and most times it’s spoken of in the context of spiritual activity. But what does it mean for us in the marketplace? For instance, if Jesus was your colleague at work how would He function? If Jesus ran the business next door to yours, how would He do it? And beyond this, what type of results would we expect to see?

In this series we are looking at 7 Things consecration does for us in the marketplace. Our prayer is that as we go through this series, the Lord will grant us a revelation of the benefits of living life His way and representing Him effectively in our businesses/careers. Click HERE to download the series.